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College of DuPage

Project Specifications:

Location: Glen Ellyn, IL

Application: Water Quality – Sedimentation

Product used: 5’-0’’ SingleTrap

Number of pieces: 119

Number of systems: 1

Water quality flow: 2.0cfs

Settling surface area: 60.0 ft2

Design particle size: 110 microns

Project Description: A StormTrap infiltration system was installed with catch basins at each of the inlets to prevent sedimentation from reaching the system. The overflow outlet flows to an existing wetland, but water can also flow backward from the wetland to the infiltration basin.

The water quality structure was installed to keep sediment from the wetland from reaching the infiltration basin. It is designed to have a permanent pool to act as a cushion to prevent scour of previously settled particles. The engineer also specified an energy-dissipation baffle at each inlet with a weir wall in between to further prevent backwash of sediment.