Net Maintenance

Streamlined Net Maintenance

StormTrap can provide continuous maintenance and net replacement after the installation of our products. Net replacement and disposal can be accomplished in less than 30 minutes and be performed as needed based on trash concentration, frequency of wet weather events and environmental regulations.

Disposable nets provide safety and cost advantages. Nets provide a reliable option for removing trash and debris that potentially house hazardous materials. In addition, nets increase storage capacity for debris, resulting in a reduction of maintenance frequency. Unlike screens, nets do not get clogged after use, and, therefore, perform significantly better for subsequent wet weather events. Nets also do not require wash-down water, decreasing the cost and equipment required for maintenance.

Standard nets are rated for more than 500 pounds (or 25 cf) of captured pollutants. A range of sizes and heavy-duty nets are available to handle larger capacities and higher-flow velocities.


Remote Monitoring Systems

StormTrap netting systems can be maintained and controlled through visual inspections or remote monitoring systems. The controllers provide an effective way to manage the maintenance of the netting systems. They provide real-time remote sensing and data collection information and analyses to ensure the product maintains optimal functioning and no money is wasted on unnecessary maintenance.