Treatment Train

Surpass Traditional Water Quality

Enhance water quality by employing multiple products and solutions into one comprehensive treatment train conveniently located on site

Treatment Train

Remove Unprecedented Amounts of Impurities

StormTrap’s treatment train utilizes multiple products and applications to create one central solution that removes a high range of water impurities. The treatment train is composed of three key components: pretreatment, storage, and filtration. SiteSaver is typically employed as the pretreatment product to handle a variety of TMDL solutions. The storage element manages and controls the volume and discharge timing to protect against erosion and flooding. Both SingleTrap and DoubleTrap products can be designed to fit seamlessly into this component. The final stop of the treatment train is the filtration section, designed as an effective Best Management Practice that removes finer particles, suspended solids and pollutants. The filtration component can be integrated into the storage system or can remain separate to better fit project specifications.

Treatment Train Products

Treatment Solutions for Stormwater, Urban Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Discharges
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Meet all site design specifications and stormwater requirements for innovative, cost-effective management
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Maximize total water storage and reduce excavation and project costs by minimizing footprint
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