Improve Water Quality
Treatment Solutions for Stormwater, Urban Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Discharges
SiteSaver is a unique hydrodynamic separator that utilizes trash containment devices, inclined plate technology and baffles to capture and easily remove trash and debris, floatables, hydrocarbons and sediment from waterways.
SiteSaver can be utilized as a stand-alone device or work in a treatment train approach as the pre-treatment phase. In a treatment train, it handles a variety of TMDL solutions including trash, sediments, hydrocarbons, total phosphorus, nitrogen and heavy metals.
Stormwater enters the SiteSaver through an inflow pipe and exits through an outflow pipe that is placed at virtually the same elevation. Upon entering the system, floating matter such as hydrocarbons and other floatable solids are captured on the inlet side of the insert. Stormwater is then conveyed through the insert, first through a perforated baffle and then into the inclined plate settling area where sedimentation removal occurs. The stormwater then travels through a perforated weir prior to discharge via the outlet pipe. A hinged baffle is also attached to the weir to decrease resuspension/scouring of captured pollutants in extreme events.
During a high flow event, the flow path maintains the typical flow characteristics for the duration of the “first flush” period where the majority of pollutants/contaminants are conveyed/migrated through the stormwater network. When the storm/flow intensifies, the weir also acts as an internal bypass for the flows that exceed the capacity of the inclined plates. The bypass is incorporated into every design in order to minimalize head losses during large events.