
Remove Impurities from Waterways

StormTrap’s StormSettler is the first hydrodynamic separator in the stormwater industry to utilize tube settling packs and upflow patterns to promote settlement and capture of sediments.

Designed using computational fluid dynamics and extensive laboratory testing, StormSettler utilizes flow modifiers and tube settlers for effective treatment. Drawing from the inclined plate SiteSaver technology, StormSettler provides extended surface area settling benefits but in a more compact, round structure.






Proven Performance

  • NJCAT Verified/NJDEP Certified
  • StormSettler™ is the first hydrodynamic separator to pass the 2021 NJDEP “Laboratory Protocol to Assess Total Suspended Solids Removal by a Hydrodynamic Sedimentation Manufactured Treatment Device.”
  • The 2021 protocol requires significantly greater testing requirements related to the number of data points and sampling methodologies as compared to the prior 2013 protocol.


Trusted Technology

  • Designed using computational fluid dynamics and laboratory testing, StormSettler utilizes flow modifiers and tube settlers for treatment.
  • Drawing from the inclined plate SiteSaver technology, StormSettler provides extended surface area settling benefits in a compact, round structure.


Efficient Design

  • Maximizes sediment capture and retention by equalizing flow throughout the inclined tube pack, which provides a large surface area, small setting distances, and a controlled pollutant pathway.
  • Design prevents sediment deposit in the inlet pipe
  • Negligible headloss (less than 6” at the treatment flow rate) and high pipe entry and exit enable the system to be used effectively in high groundwater areas and maximize the height and efficiency of downstream detention systems.
  • Inlet and outlet inverts can be at the same elevations
  • Provides internal bypass of peak flow events; both online and offline configurations are available
  • Engineered to meet site-specific requirements, can accommodate any flow
  • Options for floatable and hydrocarbon capture depending on the site’s needs
  • HS-20 standard loading, can accommodate higher load capacities


Quick Installation

  • Provides a simple installation process for the contractor, which is very similar to setting a standard manhole structure
  • On-site supervision available on each project


Easy Maintenance

  • Accessible for inspection and maintenance
  • No confined space entry is required
  • Easily maintained without removing the settling pack
  • May be equipped with remote monitoring technology to reduce the time and resources required for inspection