Improve Water Quality
Treatment Solutions for Stormwater, Urban Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Discharges
StormTrap’s StormSettler is the first hydrodynamic separator in the stormwater industry to utilize tube settling packs and upflow patterns to promote settlement and capture of sediments.
Designed using computational fluid dynamics and extensive laboratory testing, StormSettler utilizes flow modifiers and tube settlers for effective treatment. Drawing from the inclined plate SiteSaver technology, StormSettler provides extended surface area settling benefits but in a more compact, round structure.
When water enters the system, flow modifying components ensure that water flow is efficiently equalized throughout the inclined tube pack, which provides a large surface area, small settling distances, and a controlled pathway for pollutants to be retained within the sump area. The treated water is then directed around an outlet diverter before being discharged from the device through the outlet pipe.
During large storm events, the vertical baffle provides an internal bypass, allowing excess water to pass over the baffle, preventing hydraulic complications upstream