Location: Columbus, OH
Application: Detention
Product used: 5’- 0’’ SingleTrap
Number of pieces: 9
Number of systems: 1
Total water stored: 3,800 cf
Market: Commercial
Project details: A stormwater detention system was installed under the parking garage slab at 141 N Front St. in Columbus, OH to meet the City of Columbus stormwater management requirements.
Challenges: The main challenge of this project was to fit the stormwater unit in the tight site and to meet the water storage volume required by the City.
Solutions: Working directly with the project engineers, the StormTrap team provided a practical way to store water beneath the parking garage. The StormTrap units reduced the footprint and maximized the water storage. Nine pieces of 5’- 0’’ SingleTrap were used for the detention stormwater system, meeting the required water storage volume for the project – 3,800 cf. The system discharges in a municipal storm sewer.
Kyle Wrentmore, Project Developer for Korda Nemeth Engineering, mentioned that StormTrap provided the solution they needed for the site, “StormTrap was chosen for its versatility and flexibility. It is an ideal system for downtown settings and providing storage under building structures.”