Location: Gainesville, FL
Application: Detention & Infiltration
Number of Basins: 1
Product Used: 1’-9’’, 2’-2’’ and 3’-6’’ SingleTrap
Number of Pieces: 106
Total Water Stored: 13,018 cf
Foundation: Stone
Consulting Engineer: CHW
Installing Contractor: O’Steen Brothers
General Contractor: Arco Murray
A residential development is underway in Gainesville, FL, next to the University of Florida. The project will include the construction of two separate buildings on University Avenue. A six-story building will be located along West University Avenue and another four-story building will be on NW 1st Avenue. The new apartment complex will feature about 220 units and 600 bedrooms. As part of the redevelopment, a stormwater management system was needed to comply with the local requirements for water quality and quantity.
The space for stormwater management was extremely limited in this property and a traditional retention pond wasn’t an option. CHW engineering team worked closely with StormTrap to design a system that would fit beneath the parking area of the southern building and in between its footings and columns to meet stormwater storage needs.
The final design was a unique basin, built with 106 SingleTrap units of different heights 1’-9’’ (103 pieces), 2’-2’’(1 piece), and 3’-6’’ (2 pieces) and with 6’’ to 1’-0’’ of cover. It can hold up to 13,018 cf of stormwater runoff from the parking lot and the roof of the building. The system provides a large infiltrative surface area that allows water to recharge into the soil and reduces the volume of water discharged from the site to the City’s storm sewer. The system was installed in five days by O’Steen Brothers with a small excavator.
“Communication and coordination with StormTrap were punctual whenever design changes were needed to adjust for footings and columns. Layouts were flexible and accommodating for different project needs. Overall a great experience,” affirmed Mitchell Mason, Project Engineer at CHW.