Location: Lakewood, CA
Application: Infiltration & Rainwater Harvesting
Number of systems: 1
Product used: 11’-4” DoubleTrap
Number of pieces: 594
Water Storage Provided: 381,612 ft3
Owner: City of Lakewood
Project Engineer: Tetra Tech, Inc.
General Contractor: Reyes Construction, Inc.
A StormTrap system was installed at Bolivar Park as part of an innovative stormwater management project in Lakewood, CA. The project addresses water supply issues and meets local water quality requirements. Stormwater runoff is diverted from a nearby flood control channel, pre-treated and then conveyed into the StormTrap system.
The stormwater enters the settlement section of the StormTrap system, where pollutants that happen to bypass the HDS can be settled out. Water then flows over the 2’-0” settlement weir and collects in a watertight section of the vault, storing runoff for on-site irrigation. During high flow events, the stormwater flows over a 5’-8” harvesting weir into another section of the StormTrap system. In this section, precast openings in the base of the system provide an infiltration surface area that allows water to infiltrate into the ground and recharge the groundwater.