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CVS Pharmacy

Project Specifications:

Location: St. Charles, IL

Application: Detention and Infiltration

Product used: 7’- 0’’ DoubleTrap

DoubleTrap Number of pieces: 76

Number of systems: 1

Total Water stored: 27,443 cf

Market: Retail


Project Description: The project involved the redevelopment of an existing Charter One Bank and parking lot, located in St. Charles, IL. The development included the construction of a 13,225 sf CVS/Pharmacy and 4,620 sf retail building, earthwork and mass grading activities, associated underground utilities, and parking lot construction.

A StormTrap Infiltration System was installed at the site to meet local stormwater regulations. Prior to the development, a portion of the required stormwater detention for the existing site was provided in an off-site regional basin. Based on the County Stormwater Ordinance, the site required an additional 0.63 AC-FT of storage. Bradley R. Prischman, P.E, Project Manager for V3 Companies stated, “numerous options were explored on how to provide the additional required detention volume, and StormTrap was able to provide the best solution for the project needs”.

Challenges: A special considerations for this project was that “the Kane county Ordinance requires 0.75 inches of rainfall across the hydraulically connected impervious area be stored below the primary outlet of the detention system and be infiltrated into the native soil or subsurface drainage system. The project required 0.10 AC-FT of retention that was provided below the gravity outlet of the vault”, explains Prischman.  A second consideration for the project was that the St. Charles Fire Department required that the vault be able to support the outrigger loading of its largest ladder truck.

Solution: As a solution to meet the stormwater requirements, a 7’- 0’’ DoubleTrap StormTrap system with weep holes in the bottom of the vault was installed, allowing water gradually to infiltrate into the soil. In order to meet the City Fire Department requirements, StormTrap analyzed the proposed loading and provided solutions to adjust the design, “accommodating the extreme loading on the vault, along with increasing the cover over the vault,” stated Prischman.

Bradley R. Prischman affirmed that “StormTrap was very easy to work with, and was able to accommodate several special requests and design changes throughout the course of the project”.