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Speedway, Inc.

Project Specifications:

Location:  Hempsfield, PA

Application: Detention

Product used:  5’-0’’ SingleTrap

Number of pieces: 22

Number of systems: 1

Total water stored: 7,664.07 cf

Market: Commercial

Project Details:  A twenty-two piece SingleTrap detention system was installed underneath a Speedway, Inc. facility to manage and control the volume and discharge timing of stormwater runoff on site.

Challenge:  The main challenge of the project was to fit the 50% peak rate water reduction required by the Hempsfield township into the space allotted. The site was surrounded by utilities around which the SingleTrap had to be designed.

Solution:  The water discharge system was tied into an existing culvert running underneath a state highway. Despite the site restrictions, required water reduction rates, and existing utilities, the StormTrap team successfully provided 7,664 ft3 of water storage while maintaining a small footprint.