
Trash Removal Solution

TrashTrap netting systems combine the natural energy of water flow with disposable mesh nets to capture and easily remove trash, floatables and solids from stormwater and wastewater. The systems can be adapted to a variety of applications; several net size combinations are available.


Proven Performance

  • 97% removal efficiencies recorded by U.S. EPA-sponsored projects
  • Certified by the California State Water Resources Control Board as a full capture/ high flow capacity trash device
  • 25 years of experience in manufacturing, installing and maintaining netting systems


Trusted Technology

  • Three-dimensional netting technology removes floatables, trash and debris while providing a larger surface area than traditional two-dimensional screens
  • Less maintenance is required because nets can accommodate a larger volume of material, and do not need mechanical devices to remove blockages


Efficient Design

  • Engineered to meet site-specific requirements, can accommodate any flow
  • Utilizes the passive energy of water flow to drive pollutants into nets, no electricity needed
  • Hydraulic relief prevents flooding while containing trash and debris, even when the event exceeds the design flow
  • Negligible headloss, as system does not rely on head pressure to function
  • Modules can be easily retrofit into almost any stormwater system


Environmental Solution

  • Trash and debris are contained and drained dry, reducing further decay and leaching into water
  • Efficient, cost-effective trash removal solution for TMDL and municipal requirements
  • Quantifiable debris measurement easily attained for environmental permit requirements


Quick Installation

  • Prefabricated, modular system enables quick installations
  • Low capital and installation costs
  • On-site supervision available on each project


Easy Maintenance

  • Accessible for inspection and maintenance
  • No confined space entry is required, as net change-out is done at the surface
  • Long service life, with cost-effective maintenance
  • Scales can be attached to lifting equipment for easy measurement of debris to meet environmental permit requirements
  • Remote monitoring technology (optional)

Standard Configurations

TrashTrap® Project Profiles

TrashTrap® Docs