Proven Stormwater Management Solutions
Discover how StormTrap systems and applications have provided effective solutions in stormwater management.
Discover how StormTrap systems and applications have provided effective solutions in stormwater management.
Location: Charlotte, NC
Application: Detention
Product Used: 11’-4” DoubleTrap
Number of Basins: 1
Number of pieces: 166 Pieces
Total Water Stored: 106,594 cf
Foundation: 6” Stone Base
Owner: Oxford Properties
Consulting Engineer: Merrick & Company
Installing Contractor: Hal Abernethy Contracting LLC
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Location: Willow Grove, PA
Application: Infiltration/Retention
Product Used: 5’-8” SingleTrap
Total Water Stored: 54,898 CF
Number of Basins: 1
Number of pieces: 97
Foundation: Stone
Owner: Abington- Jefferson Health
Consulting Engineer: Charles E. Shoemaker, Inc.
General & Installing Contractor: Haines & Kibblehouse, Inc.
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Location: Charlotte, NC
Application: Sand Filter and Detention
Product Used: 8’-0” DoubleTrap
Number of Basins: 1
Number of pieces: 92 Pieces
Foundation: Stone
Consulting Engineer: Bohler Engineering NC, PLLC
Installing Contractor: John E. Jenkins
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Location: Newmarket, ON
Application: Detention and Sump
Product Used: DoubleTrap 1905mm; Sump Area – 2210mm & 2337mm
Total Water Stored: 1785m3
Number of Basins: 1
Number of pieces: 244
Foundation: Stone
Watertight system with liner
Consulting Engineer: Schaeffer Consulting Engineers
General Contractor: Con-Drain Co (1983) Ltd
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Location: Edison, NJ
Application: Detention
Number of Basins: 1
Product Used: 9’-6” DoubleTrap
Total Water Stored: 133,391 CF
Number of ST Pieces: 254
Foundation: Stone
Consulting Engineer: PS&S
Installing Contractor: Pillari Bros Construction Corp.
Read MoreLocation: Carlsbad, CA
Application: Detention
Number of Basins: 3
Product Used: Basin 1: 4’-2” SingleTrap; Basin 2: 5’-8” SingleTrap; Basin 3: 5’-0” SingleTrap
Total Water Stored: Basin 1: 28,810 CF; Basin 2: 29,839 CF; Basin 3: 6,661 CF
Number of ST Pieces: Basin 1: 64; Basin 2: 50; Basin 3: 15
Foundation: Concrete
Consulting Engineer: Rick Engineering
Installing Contractor: Basile Construction
Read MoreLocation: Montgomery County, PA
Application: Detention
Product Used: 4’- 0’’ SingleTrap
Number of Basins: 2 (Basin #1 was installed under an outdoor parking area and Basin #2 was installed under an expansion of the parking garage)
Total Water Stored: 7,074 CF – Basin #1 & 65,305 CF – Basin #2
Number of ST Pieces: 18 – Basin #1 & 166 – Basin #2
Foundation: Concrete Pads
Watertight systems with liners
General Contractor: IMC Construction
Consulting Engineer: Nave Newell, Inc.
Installing Contractor: Haines & Kibblehouse, Inc.
Read MoreLocation: Rockville, MD
Application: Detention
Number of systems: 2
Product used: 7’-2” DoubleTrap and 5’-2” SingleTrap
Number of pieces: 496 (440 Basin 1 and 56 Basin 2)
Total water stored: 199,167 CF (168,658 Basin 1 and 30,509 Basin 2)
Foundation: Stone (Basin 1) and Concrete (Basin 2)
Watertight System: Basin 2 (with liner)
Engineering Firm: ADTEK Engineers
General Contractor: Coakley & Williams Construction, Inc.
Installing Contractor: Ross Contracting, Inc.
Read MoreLocation: Glenarden, MD
Application: Detention
Product used: 9’-6” DoubleTrap
Number of pieces: 102 pieces
Number of systems: 1
Total water stored: 50,704 cf
Foundation: Stone
Engineering Firm: ADTEK Engineers
General Contractor: HESS Construction
Installing Contractor: JLN Construction Services
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Location: Exton, PA
Application: Infiltration
Product Used: 5’-0” SingleTrap
Total Water Stored: 21,270 CF
Number of Basins: 1
Number of pieces: 43
Foundation: Stone
Consulting Engineer: Edward B. Walsh & Associates, Inc.
Installing Contractor: Wexcon, Inc.
General Contractor: Allan Myers, Inc.
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